The Hon’ble HAC Chairman, Dinganglung Gangmei has graced as the Chief Guest of the historic launch of Ruanghiak at Conference Hall RBCC Tarung Imphal today. Here is an excerpt of the keynote-cum-exhortation speech delivered by him:

“Some may take it likely about the launch of Ruanghiak today here in the house of God but for us it is a historic day in the history of Rongmei community. And may it be used for the glory of God and for the progress of our tribe.

I commend all of you who have worked wholeheartedly (keeping aside all your personal life) for the creation and production of our own script. It is because of your tireless efforts that our script has seen the light of day. It is noteworthy that it’s Rongmei community that first produces script of its own amongst 35 tribes. Your selfless service for our tribe will be recorded in the annal of history. I sincerely thank you. And Rongmei tribe thanks you.

Moreover, it is my sincere appeal to the decision makers to keep the script flexible and accommodative leaving a space for innovation. Rigid script and language will get stagnant and will die out. This script will pass on from generation to generation and we need to enrich it in accordance with the needs of time. Like English literature we need our language and script to be adaptive to remain dynamic and sustainable.

There may be critics and naysayers on this auspicious occasion. But don’t be disheartened the entire Rongmei community and I are with you. It is not enough for us to have only script and literature. We must have an unblemished history of our tribe (inclusive of Zeliangrong and Naga history at large). As such we need to revisit the land law and its holding system in the hills. Oral history is not enough. We need to write in down with ink and paper to have a secure future of our own.

Last but not the least I give my best wishes to the Team Ruanghiak for all the future efforts towards perfecting the script. And I am ready to lend my hand in times of need. God bless Rongmei script and God bless Rongmei tribe!”

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