Late Suisa Rungsung pleaded with Meiteis to accept ST Status

Late Suisa Rungsung, a Visionary former MP, who later became a Member of the Naga National Council (NNC) once asked and pleaded with Meiteis to accept ST Status. He was humiliated and spat on by Meiteis.

“Ekhoi Hao macha, Hao pang natte” “Eikhoise amaangba mi natte”
Translation: we are not Hao, and not foolish like you or Hao means backward, foolish, Untouchable to Meiteis. We are not lost, man.”

Suisa was dejected but tried again speaking to the Meitei Maharaja of the then, but he was meted with a strong warning and dire consequences if he further pursue the matter among Meiteis.

Suisa wept and wrote in his diary
“One day these people (Meiteis) will demand ST status by then, it will be too late to undo things that are achievable now”

No doubt, the present drama pouring out by Meiteis and its HC to grab the tribal rights and most importantly tribal land is an SOS call to unite the tribals to fight for our rights under the Indian law.

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