Why They are Dangerous for the Nagas?

  1. They oppose Naga integration.
  2. They oppose every Naga Solution.
  3. They always threaten the Nagas living in Imphal Valley with communal violence.
  4. They want to become ST to grab the land of the tribals in the hills.
  5. They want to evict the tribals in the name of Reserved forests and Protected Forests.
  6. They are majoritarian and very communal.
  7. They don’t want to implement delimitation because they want to continue with present numbers of MLAs not wanting to lose the number.
  8. They always take the lion’s share of the budget and focus on all developments in the Imphal Valley.
  9. District formations in 2021 was one of the steps ahead to keep more and more land into the mains streams.

Source: WhatsApp Edited, K G

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