Rongmei Bible Translation at Work

Source: Matters India Andrew Heanngam Pamei, a young man from Manipur, initially aimed to pursue a career in the Indian civil service. However, his life took a different turn when he felt called to translate the Bible into his native language, Rongmei. This decision was sparked by a family prayer session where he realized that certain passages were missing from the Rongmei Bible his family … Continue reading Rongmei Bible Translation at Work

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Starlink Connection India khou tii khang su bam the

…. ….Tml Times 22 Jan 2024 (Mon) Delhi Jan. 21: Elon Musk tuang satellite connection mobile internet ‘Starlink’ hei India khou tii khang su bam the. Government of India ruai approval hei January 24 khou mituang broadband service hei tii puang the tuna saa ye. Elon Musk tuang Starlink ruai message services, voice services, broadband heiguai hei tii punithe tuna saa ye. Kumma Starlink ruai … Continue reading Starlink Connection India khou tii khang su bam the

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Liangthanh loumei Lectionary

Lectionary – Bible khourui liangpat loumei “langh” (passages) khatni mi hei kariuguangmei (gathering) ganh khou, huh thang rui (advance) tingmik thuih khang kapah lou tuang e. Tingkum kathumh (3 years) lungc khou Bible kaluaihmei (repeatation) ta patlouna pac e the, Bible kapumpui pacluai lou e. English khou thu Year A (Kum A), Year B (Kum B), khatni Year C (Kum C) tuna kauh e. Revised … Continue reading Liangthanh loumei Lectionary

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Bible Reading for Sunday 2019

Epiphany 2019 January/Changacbw 6, 2019 Neihniec/Sunday: Epiphany of the Lord Isaia 60:1-6; Kalumlu 72:1-7, 10-14; Ephisiamei 3:1-12; Metthiu 2:1-12 January/Changacbw 13, 2019 Reimei Neihniec/Sunday Ephiphany tang.: Baptism of the Lord Isaia 43:1-7; Kalumlu 29; Acts 8:14-17; Luk 3:15-17, 21-22 January/Changacbw 20, 2019 Kaneimei Neihniec/Sunday Ephiphany tang. Isaia 62:1-5; Kalumlu 36:5-10; 1 Korinmei 12:1-11; Jahon 2:1-11 January/Changacbw 27, 2019 Kathumhmei Neihniec/Sunday Ephiphany tang. Nehemia 8:1-3, 5-6, … Continue reading Bible Reading for Sunday 2019

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