Khuang: Its Significance in Zeliangrong Culture

Introduction: The Zeliangrong, one of the natives of Northeast belong to the Mongoloid racial stock and speak the Tibeto-Burman language (Grierson, 2000: 477). Tradition says, the Zeliangrong people originated from a cave called Mahou Taobei; they moved to Makhel and to Ramting Kabin, and then to Makuilongdi, a big round village, Senapati District of Manipur. From Makuilongdi, they migrated to different directions: to the south, north … Continue reading Khuang: Its Significance in Zeliangrong Culture

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Significance of Gaan-Ngai Festival

“Festival is a time of merriment and enjoyment, to imbibe the spirit of love and brotherhood.”  Introduction: The Zeliangrong are one of the natives of Northeast India. Racially, they belong to Mongloid stock and speak the Tibeto-Burman language. Tradition says, the Zeliangrong ancestors originated from a cave recognized as Mahou Taobei; they moved to Makhel and to Ramting Kabin, and then to Makuilongdi, Senapati District … Continue reading Significance of Gaan-Ngai Festival

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Ritual Festivals of the Zeliangrong of North East

“Festival is a time of merriment and enjoyment, to imbibe the spirit of love and brotherhood.”  The present article is an attempt to look into the ritual festivals observed by the Zeliangrong people of North East India. The Zeliangrong is the acronym of the Zeme, Liangmei and Rongmei who live in the states of Assam, Manipur and Nagaland. Racially, they belong to Mongoloid stock and … Continue reading Ritual Festivals of the Zeliangrong of North East

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Kabui Dance

The Kabuis or Rongmeis, one of the Zeliangrong brothers of the western hills are the most primitive groups of the Indian tribe and they develop a deep taste for dance and music. The Kabui Naga dance, known popularly throughout India, accompanied with drum beatings enhances the liveliness and intrinsic interest of its audiences and sway their hearts as the dancers move. ‘Laam‘ meaning dance in … Continue reading Kabui Dance

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Tamchan Laam

This dance is performed by girls in the evening of the second day of Gaan -nGai (Tam means chutney of vegetables; chan means ‘request’; Laam means dance, dance requesting for Tam). The senior members of the boys’ dormitory and family members of both the boys and girls who passed away in the previous year present the Tamcha (gift in the form of food, drinks, meat, … Continue reading Tamchan Laam

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Gudui Ngai: Festival of Zeliangrong

Gudui Ngai is a popular festival of Zeliangrong inhabitants of North East; (Gudui means ginger soup and Ngai, festival). It is a festival of worship of Tingkao Ragwang, the Supreme God for plentiful harvest. It is celebrated on the 13th day of Guduibu (May) for one day after completing the seed sowing works in the field. In the early morning of the festival, every household of the village does … Continue reading Gudui Ngai: Festival of Zeliangrong

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Riliam Ngai (New Year Festival)

The Village Pei (Council) will fix the day/date according to the lunar calendar/ moon. It is celebrated approximately during January 10-15 each year. If tomorrow is said to be the day of Riliam, then they will Go to the Village Raengh to do ritual (Raengh Pammei). All the youths/bachelors know their duties/responsibilities and go to their dormitories to put into actions for the festival of … Continue reading Riliam Ngai (New Year Festival)

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Chakaan Gaan-Ngai: The Living Religious And Cultural Festival

The Zeliangrong, an indigenous ethnic group of North East belongs to Tibeto- Burman family of Mongoloid stock. The population of this group is found mainly in Tamenglong District of Manipur. They are also found scattered in Manipur Valley of Imphal West District, Imphal East District, Thoubal District, Bishnupur District, Churachandpur District, Senapati District. Outside the state of Manipur, they are found settling in Nagaland in … Continue reading Chakaan Gaan-Ngai: The Living Religious And Cultural Festival

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Every Naga tribe has its own festival which are celebrated at the village and tribe level.Of late,Nagas have organized themselves and jointly celebrated festivals at the regional level.Nagas in Nagaland State celebrate the Hornbill festival every year.In the same manner,Nagas in Manipur celebrate Lui Ngai Ni every year. A seminar was held on the 10th may 1986 at GM hall Imphal which was attended by … Continue reading LUI- NGAI- NI

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