Heraka: Haipou Jadonang and Rani Gaidinliu

When Haipou Jadonang & Rani Gaidinliu started off the Heraka movement, not many people, at that time, thought that the movement would survive considering the adversaries was the British Empire. The colonial British was at the peak of its power – from military to commerce. The Industrial Revolution was pumping out new inventions much to the awe of simple indigenous people. Modern education brought by … Continue reading Heraka: Haipou Jadonang and Rani Gaidinliu

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A Glossary of Zeme words

Longkumer, Arkotong. Reform, Identity and Narratives of Belonging The Heraka Movement of Northeast India (London: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2010) Unless stated, all the words are from Zeme. It must also be noted that most of the words are Sanskrit derived and common to Hindi, Assamese and Bengali among other languages. Therefore, the classification ‘Sanskrit’ can also be read as ‘Sanskrit derived’. Aarti (Sanskrit): Prayer. … Continue reading A Glossary of Zeme words

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Pubuan Ching (Bhuban Hills) – Views Of A Poupei Chapriak Devotee

– By Gaisin Pamei “Poupei Chapriak” – An Introduction The Rongmei Naga indigenous faith “Poupei Chapriak” is followed by the Rongmei Naga tribal people of Assam. The word “Poupei” is a portmanteau of the native words “Apou” & “Apei” (of the Rongmei Naga language) which literally means grandfather & grandmother respectively but here, it may have a deeper meaning; a more abstract representation signifying the … Continue reading Pubuan Ching (Bhuban Hills) – Views Of A Poupei Chapriak Devotee

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Rani Gaidinliu, ‘Daughter of the Hills’ who Spent 14 Years in Jail for India’s Independence

Source: The Print New Delhi: The Indian independence movement is indebted to several individuals across the country who were integral to the freedom struggle against the British colonisers. Many of these freedom fighters are well-known, but several of them have been lost to the annals of history. One such name is Rani Gaidinliu, a Naga spiritual and political leader, who fearlessly fought against the British colonisers … Continue reading Rani Gaidinliu, ‘Daughter of the Hills’ who Spent 14 Years in Jail for India’s Independence

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Pubuan/Bhubhuan Ching (Bhuban Hills)

Pubuan/Bhubhuan Ching, popularly known as Bhuban Hills, is the abode of Apou Baomei Bhuanchaniu, one of the gods of indigenous tribal religion of Rongmei Naga people. It is one of the most important religious sites of the followers of the indigenous faith of Rongmei tribe. Located in Assam’s Cachar district, the Bhuban Hills is situated near the Assam-Manipur border in the east and with the … Continue reading Pubuan/Bhubhuan Ching (Bhuban Hills)

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Rani Gaidinliu and Heraka Religion

India is celebrating birth centenary of Rani Gaidinliu in recognition of her role in the freedom struggle against the mighty British Empire and her socio-religious reform movement. She did spread the message of Mahatma Gandhi in the North East, thereby connected the thoughts of rest of India with the North East. Unfortunately, she is not yet included in the history text books/educational curriculum like other … Continue reading Rani Gaidinliu and Heraka Religion

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10 Principles of Heraka

Heraka meaning ‘Pure‘ from the impure was formed, and laid down the following principles. Worship and fear God. Do not take on swear in God’s name for falsehood. Do not fear anything except God. Do not harm, murder human beings unjustly, Do not commit adultery. Do not steal other’s things. Do not tell a lie; speak the truth. Do not covet other’s land. Honour your … Continue reading 10 Principles of Heraka

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Religious and Economic Reform: The Gaidinliu Movement and the Heraka in the North Cachar Hills

ABSTRACT The Heraka or Gaidinliu Movement among the Zeme Nagas of the North Cachar Hills, Assam, provides a case of millenarian activities based on agrarian reforms. The movement is associated with opposing British rule during the 1930s until India’s Independence in 1947 under the guidance of Jadonang and later Gaidinliu. I examine the genesis of the movement which was based on agrarian reform by linking … Continue reading Religious and Economic Reform: The Gaidinliu Movement and the Heraka in the North Cachar Hills

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