Manipur CM Biren must withdraw remark on land ownership: Tangkhul CSOs

The remarks of N Biren Singh on hills belonging to Mother Nature and not to any particular community is unacceptable and should be withdrawn immediately, stated Tangkhul civil society organisations.By Ricky Angkang UPDATED 12 JUN 2022, 7:35 PM Tangkhul civil society organisations on Sunday refuted Chief Minister N Biren Singh’s statement on land ownership in hill areas, stating that they are the sole owners of … Continue reading Manipur CM Biren must withdraw remark on land ownership: Tangkhul CSOs

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The First Christian Convert among the Zeliangrong & Inpui

The first messenger of good news of salvation to the State of Manipur was Rev. William Pettigrew. He landed at Imphal on January 6, 1894. Within five years of ministry, he began to organize Churches and Schools and started reaching the people with gospel to almost every part of Manipur. The first convert from the Zeliangrong and Inpui communities was Mr. Namrizinang Pamai of ChaKhuak … Continue reading The First Christian Convert among the Zeliangrong & Inpui

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