The Hon’ble HAC Chairman, Dinganglung Gangmei has graced as the Chief Guest of the historic launch of Ruanghiak at Conference Hall RBCC Tarung Imphal today. Here is an excerpt of the keynote-cum-exhortation speech delivered by him: “Some may take it likely about the launch of Ruanghiak today here in the house of God but for us it is a historic day in the history of … Continue reading EXCERPT OF KEYNOTE SPEECH BY HON’BLE HAC, D. GANGMEI

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Ruanghiak Launched swkan the

MC: Duiluanghbw 16,2022 Rongmei Tribe tuang swmei hiak Ruanghiak asei RBCC tuang Conferance Hall, Tarung Imphal khou lat hiak nai the tumei tuang mung swna laengh pat lou kan the. Kamung khou tei chakhuang swmei pouh Dinganglung Gangmei, Chairman, Hill Area Committee, Manipur Legislative Assembly rui ginpy sw louna kazauh kan e. Rongmei Phwam tuang kapy – kagav nunc, namv tuang saengc daihmei, Phwamling tuang … Continue reading Ruanghiak Launched swkan the

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A Brief Report of the Rongmei Scholars’ Association Inaugural Talk on “Writing the Oral: Folklore and Print Culture of the Rongmeis”

Folklore and Print Culture of the Rongmeis :: Event Report Delhi, 21st August 2021 *Rongmei Scholars’ AssociationA Brief Report of the Rongmei Scholars’ Association Inaugural Talk“Writing the Oral: Folklore and Print Culture of the Rongmeis”Date & Time: 21st August 2021, 6 pm The Rongmei Scholars’ Association (RSA) organised their inaugural talk on Saturday, the 21st of August 2021 on an online platform under the topic … Continue reading A Brief Report of the Rongmei Scholars’ Association Inaugural Talk on “Writing the Oral: Folklore and Print Culture of the Rongmeis”

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The Significance of New Orthography in Ruangmei’s Literature

One of the facts that there are much more languages than nations and cultures is one of the mysteries of humankind. And it seems people haven’t found the convincing answer. All the living species have their common mode of communications but human is an exception. Humans are always in the progressive paradigm. In the context of the Zeliangruang Naga, despite we have similarities in our … Continue reading The Significance of New Orthography in Ruangmei’s Literature

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ByRev. Gaikhuanlung Gangmei THE LIVING BOOKS Inter-Language TranslationSelf PublicationFirst Edition 2013: 1000 Author Rev. Gaikhuanlung GangmeiEmail: ggangmei(at)gmail.comPhone: 9612****** INTRODUCTION Language plays a vital role in maintaining a congenial relationship in the society. Language creates love and affinity among different communities to live together in harmony. The wider we expand our relationship with other communities the more language we need to know for our benefit. Zeliangrong … Continue reading INTER-LANGUAGE TRANSLATION

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Applicants by the Concerned Literature Society

To, Shri Thokchom Radheshyam Hon’ble Minister for Education Government of Manipur. Subject: To make acknowledgement of applicants by the concerned literature society as part of the eligibility criteria in the selection of MIL teachers/lecturers. Hon’ble Sir, On behalf of the nine tribal student organizations viz. Thadou, Mizo, Paite, Hmar, Tangkhul, Zou, Vaiphei, Kom and Rongmei in the state of Manipur, we extend our warmest greetings. … Continue reading Applicants by the Concerned Literature Society

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