This is a statement of Rungsung Suisa in the Parliament in 1958 on Naga Issues

The Nagas are politically obtuse. They do not understand the right thing at the right time. They are not united at the right time for the right cause. If such situations prevail in Naga Land, the Nagas will fight among themselves to finish themselves.-Rungsung Suisa Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, I have to be very frank, because I want to see that the Naga problem is … Continue reading This is a statement of Rungsung Suisa in the Parliament in 1958 on Naga Issues

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Government Of India, NSCN (I-M) ‘Mutually Agreed’ On Integration Of All Naga Areas, Says Yaruiwo Q Tuccu

By The Frontier Manipur On Aug, 2022FILE: NSCN (I-M) chairman Q Tuccu The government of India proposed PAN NAGA HOHO, a cultural institution which embraces the Nagas of all Naga areas. It will deal with the culture, custom and tradition, literature, social and interest of the Nagas, which was mutually agreed, said Q Tuccu. National Socialist Council of Nagalim or NSCN (I-M) Yaruiwo Q Tuccu … Continue reading Government Of India, NSCN (I-M) ‘Mutually Agreed’ On Integration Of All Naga Areas, Says Yaruiwo Q Tuccu

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Zeliangrong and Naga

PRESS RELEASEThe 27th June, 2022. Zeliangrong is one of the stakeholders of the Naga political issue and simultaneously law abiding citizen of India until and unless the Nagas attain it’s complete sovereign State status therefore attending in any consultative meeting convened by any political groups to know the details and progress of the political negotiation between the Govt of India and the Naga political negotiating … Continue reading Zeliangrong and Naga

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ZUF raises objection to Forest Act

Source: Chronicle News Service Imphal, June 24 2022: The Central Executive Council of Zeliangrong United Front (ZUF) has raised strong objections to the provisions of Act related with reserved and protected forest stating that these Acts contain provisions which infringe on the customary rights of Zeliangrong people. A statement issued by its information and publicity secretary John Pame said that the recent media report regarding the official … Continue reading ZUF raises objection to Forest Act

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Pan Naga Hoho Sounds ‘Most Outrageous’ To Nagas Of Nagaland: WC-NNPGs

WC-NNPGs asserted that the rights of the Nagas cannot be “annulled and erased” inside a small room in Hebron camp or Delhi through Pan Naga Hoho or Yehzabo. Source: Imna Longchar, TFM Nagaland Correspondent The Working Committee – Naga National Political Groups (WC-NNPGs) on Tuesday said that the “brazen justification of the Pan Naga Hoho (PNH) admitting that it is at incubating stage and being … Continue reading Pan Naga Hoho Sounds ‘Most Outrageous’ To Nagas Of Nagaland: WC-NNPGs

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RNSO, RNYOM demand re-introduction of ADC Bill

TMB Report Imphal: Strongly opposing the State policy of violating the just laws and the sinister designs to ‘disrobe’ the land ownership rights of the hill people. Rongmei Naga Students’ Organisation (RNSO) and Rongmei Naga Youth Organisation Manipur (RNYOM) urged the Governor, Chief Minister, HAC Chairman and all the right thinking legislators to promptly apply the laws connected to land ownership of the hill people … Continue reading RNSO, RNYOM demand re-introduction of ADC Bill

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In view of the unrelenting attack on the Naga national political issue by some people from different quarters, the National Socialist Council of Nagalim (NSCN) has to state its position loud and clear to the people.Every sensible Naga, even friends and foes understands that the case of the Nagas is a nationalresistance movement against the aggressor-states. It is neither a secessionist movement nor adomestic problem … Continue reading TRUTH MUST BE TOLD.

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The extreme organisation had warned the BJP’s Nagaland unit and a member of its ally, the Naga People’s Front, not to overstep their role as peacemakers.

Source News : The Hindu The Bharatiya Janata Party’s Nagaland chapter has slammed the National Socialist Council of Nagaland, or NSCN (I-M), claiming that the extremist group can’t stop it from speaking about the “Naga political dilemma.” The issue concerns the peace process between the Centre and two Naga extremist groups, one of which is the NSCN (I-M), which proclaimed a truce in 1997, and … Continue reading The extreme organisation had warned the BJP’s Nagaland unit and a member of its ally, the Naga People’s Front, not to overstep their role as peacemakers.

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Who are the Indigenous People of Manipur ?

1. Definition of Indigenous people The United Nations Organisation (UNO) has no exact definition of Indigenous people. On 9 to 20 May 2016, the Fifteenth Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) affirmed that indigenous people (also termed aboriginal people, native people, or autochthonous people) are distinctive groups protected in international or national legislation as having a set of specific rights … Continue reading Who are the Indigenous People of Manipur ?

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